Contact Us
We look forward to helping youOffice : 03333 442222
90% of calls answered within 20 seconds. 03 numbers cost the same as 01 & 02. After office hours, or on occasion when your call cannot be taken, please leave a message. Please note that messages are automatically transcribed and delivered to via our email system. When calling outside of the UK, please use +44 3333 44 2222
Contact a Director : hello@sytec.co.uk
Please feel welcome to email a Director at any time.
Feedback & Complaints
We welcome feedback and value your opinion. In the 1st instance your Sytec contact will assist.
Where issues require a manager either for urgency or any other reason please ask for escalation.
We respond to escalated issues within 1 hour, during office hours.
To make a compliant, please contact a director. We will respond to complaints within 1 working day, and investigate and report within 5 working days.
Technical : support@sytec.co.uk
90% of emails to the support desk are responded to within 90 minutes and often a lot faster. The maximum email size is 50MB, including attachments.
Fax : 03333 447777
If you really need to fax, please note that our system automatically delivers faxes as email with attachments, so it is often quicker to email. You are welcome to use us to test your fax machine. From outside of the UK please use +44 3333 44 7777
Duty Engineer : 079 0030 0030
Queries answered within 90 minutes. Please note text messages and voicemails are delivered automatically to our email system.
Web & social media
Queries answered within 90 minutes, and often much faster. Please don’t share private or sensitive information.